ISBN 1-85158269-x Mainstream Publishing, 1989, str.678, obwoluta, stan bdb- (lekko przybrudzona krawedź bloku) The first British edition of a book which has already sold over 2 million copies worldwide, revised and updated, The Nature Doctor comes complete with comprehensive appendices which offer the reader easy access to the wealth of information available in this veritable encyclopedia of natural medicine. Translated into a highly readable English by Harry Selbert. an expert in the field, The Sarure Doctor, written by the 'father' of natural healing, deserves to become a household reference book. It is nexer too late to support Nature in its tendency to cure since the laws of Nature command the preservation of life.' Bom in 1902 and brought up in Aesch near Basel, Switzerland. Dr H. C. A. Vogel comes from a family where the secrets of herbalism were known and practised. From early childhood he was eager to absorb everything about the healing powers of plants as passed on by his parents and grandparents. Bit by bit he collected and expanded the traditional and empirical knowledge of European folk medicine. Later on. his thirst for knowledge led him to visit many countries around the globe, and he was especially drawn to the primitive tribes with whom he felt a close bond and whose way of life prompted him to study the burning issues connected with nutrition, life-style, constitution and disease. His experiences in Africa. Asia. North. Central and South America, with people and tribes living in the prairies and rain forests, convinced him that Nature, if properly handled and supported, is able to do more in the way of healing than man's skills alone. Alfred Vogel familiarised himself with the medicinal treatments used by his beloved tribes living close to nature and discovered numerous new medicinal plants. His activities in the interests of sick as well as healthy persons began in Teufen in the Appenzellerland. This is where the nature doctor established a clinic based on naturopathy, gathered medicinal plants at the foot of the Swiss Alps and first prepared extracts from fresh plants or herbs. He had discovered that these tinctures were more effective than those made from dried plants. Driven by his enormous sense of mission, his love of God, Nature and people, he communicated his knowledge in innumerable lectures on all continents, kept in touch with royalty, politicians of high rank as well as economic leaders, and especially the 'common man' whom he has been able to convince of his knowledge with his typically simple and direct 'language of the heart'. The organisers of Alfred Vogel's lectures have always had difficulty in finding halls big enough to accommodate his audiences. Since 1929 the untiring nature lpver has reported his experiences and observations in his monthly periodical Gesundheitsnachrichten (A. Vogel's Health News). The orthodox sciences have not always taken this autodidact seriously, but in 1952 the University of California, Los Angeles, conferred on him an honorary doctorate fc* medical botany. Thirty years later, on the occasion of the annual congress of the German Nature Cure Practitioners, he was awarded the Preissnitz medal, the highest award in the field of naturopathy. In 1984 Alfred Vogel became an honorary member of the Swiss Medical Association for Empirical Medicine. At the age of twenty-three he wrote his first book. Short Guide for Better Living. Nutrition as a Healing Factor, dealing in particular with the influences of food on our health, was published in 1935. The first edition of Alfred Vogel's world-wide best-known book, Der kleine Doktor (The Nature Doctor), came out in 1952. This manual of traditional or folk medicine has meanwhile become a recognised standard publication even among medical doctors and scientists. MAINSTREAM