THE JACARANDA PRESS 1963, str. 142. stan db- (podniszczona lekko okładka, pieczatki pobiblioteczne - wycofana, otarcia wyklejki) ISBN Foreword Australia is the only place in the world where we can study a simple hunting people, still living with the aid of the tools of the Old Stone Age. Not only do they show us how our own early ancestors may have lived, worked and played long ago; they also provide us with a guide as to how the prehistoric peoples of other lands developed their cultures. Particularly useful is the way in which they show us how the human mind developed and exercised'the power to think and plan while man was still a hunter and had not yet learned to live as a farmer or city dweller. Much of our present-day knowledge of the prehistory and history of Australia has been published only in scientific papers, which few people have the opportunity to read. As a result, many fallacies about the original inhabitants of Australia are still widely believed. In Aboriginal Australians, an anthropologist (Tindale) and an author (Lindsay) have collaborated in the compiling of a simplified summary of what is now known about the Australian aborigines. Some of the data in this book has come from hitherto unpublished material in Tindale's notebooks, which contain what he has gathered on twenty-two trips to various isolated parts of Australia. On these study trips he spent as long as a year at a time in studying particular groups of aborigines, who still lived by hunting as their ancestors had done for thousands of years. Most of the photographs illustrating this book were taken during these field trips. We are indebted also to the Board of Governors of the South Australian Museum for permission to reproduce plates from the original watercolours by G. F. Angas, now in their possession. All the illustrations in this work are copyright. No reproduction may be made without the permission of N. B. Tindale or, where indicated, the South Australian Museum. Contents Foreword 1 The Ice Ages 2 Negritos — The First Arrivals 3 The Murrayians 4 The Carpentarians 5 Daily Life 6 Water Supplies 7 Hunting and Fishing 8 Art 9 Literature 10 Examples of Literature 11 Family Relationships 14 Totems 13 From Birth to Manhood 14 Manhood 15 Back to the Spirit World 16 What Have They Taught Us? 17 What Can We Do for Them? 18 Further Study Index Język angielski